Monday, September 18, 2017

Global warming and humans

In the backdrop of recent drastic weather patterns worldwide, it is vital to realize that most people (including presidents and heads of states) agree that global warming is happening. The point in contention, however, is whether humans are causing it. I don't think they are.
My view is, humans are insignificant in the bigger scheme of things (volcanoes, earthquakes, land/oceanic gas releases, forest fires, solar flares, cosmic radiations, meteor strikes, etc).
As such, claiming humans cause global warming is like claiming the sea becomes saltier when humans pee in it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Ok (for Trump) to tweet

Our president’s use of Twitter to bypass the mostly biased mainstream media is brilliant. It is an excellent example of operating outside the box in the 21st century.
Dictionary definition of a tweet is a chirping note. In the context of Twitter, however, a tweet does not necessarily have to mean it lacks substance or is trivial.
I would rather hear from the horse’s mouth, even if in the form of a tweet, than hear the mainstream media’s version of what was said.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mother of all questions for Muslims, moderate or not

Can Islam genuinely embrace the West especially if doing so would, effectively, imply that Allah bless people who eat pork, drink beer, and let their women wear bikinis (all of which are considered taboo in Islam)?

Answer to that question, in my view, explains why most Muslims, moderate or not, are reluctant to say or write “Allah bless America” and mean it.

That would be the day when "Allah bless America" signs will be conspicuously displayed outside the gates of the numerous mosques in the United States - why not?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sense, but no cents

Scientific studies have apparently shown that birth control pills are perfectly safe. Now there is a push toward making their use more widespread by making them available over-the-counter to teenagers. Notably, birth control pills contain artificial hormones that prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation.  Worse, for the pills to be effective, they have to be taken every day. Common sense tells me that the pills are too invasive and just can’t be good for the taker in the long term.
Along those lines, all living beings and cells possess the instinct to survive, which is the basis of evolution in the long term. Cancer occurs when that instinct to survive at the cellular level goes haywire after the body is subjected to cancer causing factors. The tainted survival instinct in the affected (i.e., cancerous) cells makes them spread into surrounding tissues, to the detriment of the rest of the body. While it may seem like the cancer industry is running for the cure, it may actually be running away from the cause. That’s because there is money to be made and careers to be sustained in the perpetual pursuit of finding the cure.
What’s prudent is a shift from “finding the cure for cancer” to “preventing cancer”, most of which can be accomplished simply by focusing on lifestyle changes like exercising and eating sensibly. For the sake of curtailing cancer, shift in focus from “cure” to “prevention” makes sense and should be pursued, even though it may not make cents for the multi-billion dollar cancer industry.