I am writing this article to help solve a seemingly alarming problem that Muslims in the US seem to face lately.
In my published article “Allah
bless America” from way back on 1/24/2004, I had suggested (but to no avail)
that US Muslims use that phrase to show their support for the US and to
advocate that Islam can embrace America – because Allah is in practice commonly
associated with Muslim God. Ongoing presidential debates involving Islam/Muslims
related issues reminded me of the said article. So, I posted a “Allah Bless America” photo on social media and asked
my Muslim social media friends to share it to show that they really are for America. None of my US Muslim social
media friends shared the photo. Evidently, most Muslims in general would rather
not use the phrase or share the photo. The million-dollar question is, WHY?
My take on why most Muslims in
the US are hesitant and feel intimidated to say “Allah Bless America” (vice
merely “God Bless America”) is that, deep down, most of them don’t want to
associate Islam with America/West. In my view, it is ingrained in most Muslims
to associate the US/West with the Satan. By extension, chances are, most
Muslims consider saying "Allah Bless America" is like saying "Allah
Bless Satan". Notably, in virtually every other context, when it comes to
the word "God", almost all Muslims prefer using "Allah".
But for whatever the reason, and consistent with trying to distance Islam from America, they seem reluctant to do that
when it comes to the phrase "God Bless America".
Furthermore, in my view, many
Muslim leaders seem to dwell on HOW to answer questions by non-Muslims –
essentially, by being politically correct and taking advantage of the liberal US civil right laws – rather than
on WHY those questions are arising in the first place. Some methods that many
Muslims have tried to use post 9-11 to promote a positive image of
Islam/Muslims include serving in soup kitchens and organizing interfaith meetings.
These methods, while helpful, are nevertheless in my view ineffective in terms
of easing the suspicion against the Muslims in the US – especially if deep down, there
is no genuine “For the US/West” feeling.
That will be the day when an
"Allah Bless America" (not just "God Bless America"), a slogan that implicitly
says “Muslims FOR the US”, sign will be conspicuously placed outside the gates
of mosques in the US. Hopefully, Muslim leaders will
not find that request outrageous. But if they do, I suggest they ask themselves
WHY, introspect, and realize that Muslims have a long way to go in terms of
easing tensions with the US/West.
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